55 Gallon Drum Heaters
One of the most common sights in a modern industrial facility is the standard 55 gallon barrel. These drums are made by a huge number of different manufacturers, and are now used for almost any storage material thanks to their capacity and compatibility. Standard designs that are used by the various different companies mean that equipment that you purchase for handling drums can be used across different products and that within reason, the drums can be reused.
Of course the standardized manufacture and the storage solutions for drums often mean that certain chemicals and substances in drums are not always kept at the optimum temperature for use, and as such, 55 gallon drum heaters are required in order to get the liquid up to a usable temperature.
There are numerous different reasons why you need to use a 55 gallon drum heater in your work place. Many of the materials that you will use on a day to day basis can be too thick to make use of at the temperature that they are stored at, and heat is needed to thin them down.
One material that is commonly used in a wide range of different industrial applications is bitumen tar. At low temperatures such as those usually experienced in a warehouse, the tar is practically solid, and is of almost no use to anyone. Rather than being painted into place, it would need to be chipped of and glued. This is clearly of no use to anyone.
The best way of getting tar or any other room temperature solid up to a working temperature is to apply a controlled and stable source of heat to the container using a 55 gallon drum heater. The advantage of using this system is that it will ensure that the liquid is raised to the exact temperature needed to work it properly, and then keep it at that exact temperature for long periods of time thanks to the built in thermostatic control.
The major advantage of a 55 gallon drum heater that has been specially designed to heat up materials in their containers, is that the system is easy to control, and provides the liquid that you need consistently for as long as the heater is in use. The high tech control systems that underlie the simple exterior of the units take into account the amount of liquid left in the drum, and adjust the way in which the heat is supplied over time. This provides operators with access to a material that behaves in a more or less consistent way, and can be relied on for a wide range of processes.
There are a number of different factors that you should consider when choosing the right 55 gallon drum heater for your needs. There are a wide range of different models available, and these offer slightly different levels of performance based on the power levels that they use. Temperatures of up to 550 degrees Fahrenheit are possible, and higher power levels will help you to get materials up to the correct temperature quicker.
As you continue to read through our selection of 55 Gallon Drum Heaters, keep in mind we stand ready to answer any questions you may have about our offerings. Call us at 1-888-776-3720 whenever such questions arise and let us help you make the best investment within your budget. We are located in Houston, Texas.